There is so much I could write about to start, but I will start with thanking you for visiting and reading the story of my Mums 'Return to Snowdon' and my own Journey of remembrance and reflection that will follow on my own returns to Snowdon.
I have chosen not to start with a long back story about myself as It's not about me. So I will fill in the blanks as I go in the chapters that follow.
I will talk about my Mum as I go, as this is indeed her story, and the tale of her final return to the place she so dearly loved throughout her years.
The Beginning....
My Mum sadly died on the 2nd June 2017 after a prolonged 12 week stay in hospital after being hospitalized due to severe weight loss and dehydration. This followed several weeks of stomach bugs and upsets, and she was also suffering with a chest infection and was on antibiotics.
My Mum had many underlying illnesses including TB, Lupus and Arthritis to name a few, and she also suffered from severe Anxiety, as do I.
Lupus in particular is a terrible condition/disease of the immune system and not curable, and this made it incredibly difficult for my Mum to get over illnesses.
My Mum continued to get infections whilst in hospital and was still losing weight as she was suffering with Pulmonary Aspiration of food and drink, and it was impossible to get solid food or normal liquids down her to help her recover.
She also developed delirium during this particular bout of illness which is common with sudden illness and infections. This made it difficult to be able to always fully communicate clearly with Mum.
The delerium led to many a confused conversation with Mum, and often quite confusing and often funny ones. At times she would be dozing in and out of sleep and muttering various things, and we often didn't know whether she was talking to us or she was just kind of dreaming and talking out loud.
It was during one of these sleepy talk episodes that my Mum thanked me for coming to see her, and then minutes later after dosing off said "God bless you my little boy". This really struck a cord with me and I will carry those words in my heart for the rest of my days.
The precious words were indeed where I got the secondary title for this story ' told through the eyes of a not so little boy!'..
Weeks went by and Mum had good days and bad days, and we really didn't know where this was going, but deep down we always expected Mum to recover enough to eventually return home.
After 12 weeks we had a long discussion with the Dr in charge of my Mum at the hospital and we agreed to start plans to get her home where she belonged. But Mum would be in a hospital bed to start and with multiple nurse visits during the day to help with Mums vital needs.
Sadly within days of that decision being made my Mum passed away in the early hours of the morning of the 2nd June 2017.
We were obviously deeply saddened and shocked and I personally felt numb and dazed and quite lost. It was important however for myself and my brother to look out for my Dad and help him deal with the loss, this in a way helped us focus and deal with the loss better I feel.
Lots has happened since then and I will talk about that in future chapters and posts, including Mums glorious Thanksgiving and life celebration at her local church where she still managed as always to lovingly evangelise and preach to those around her even from her casket.
My Mums requested that her ashes were spread on a hillside in her favourite valley looking over Lyn Padarn and to Llanberis and in the mighty shadow of Snowdon. A place we sat for many an hour as kids when we followed our Mum on one of many of her daily walks in the majestic beauty of Snowdonia in Wales.
Mum in a way will be able to overlook her favourite views of Gods country and we will have a memorable spot to return to to remember our many happy memories.
My Mums journey to her beloved Snowdonia will be her last journey to Snowdonia but the start of many planned journeys of remembrance and reflection for me and indeed family, to the spot where my Mums ashes will of been spread, to pay my respects in the years that follow.......